
In this documentation we talk about the installation process of f-utils libs.


Recall that the f-utils libs correspond to repositories in the f-utils organization, named under f-{lib}. Their installation is directly from certain branches in their corresponding repository:

  1. main: the stable version of the lib

  2. dev: a new version in development.


The libs are package manager agnostics, which means that you can install them from your favorite method. Below we list some examples.

  • With git:

# main branch
git clone{lib} /path/to/venv/lib/python-3.x/site-packages/f-{lib}
# dev branch
git clone{lib}/tree/dev /path/to/venv/lib/python-3.x/site-packages/f-{lib}
  • With pip:

# main branch
/path/to/venv/bin/pip install git+{lib}
# dev branch
/path/to/venv/bin/pip install git+{lib}/tree/dev
# main branch
poetry add git+{lib}
# dev branch
poetry add git+{lib}/tree/dev
  • With uv:

# main branch
uv add git+{lib}
# dev branch
uv add git+{lib} --branch dev
# main branch
pdm add git+{lib}
# dev branch
pdm add git+{lib}/tree/dev
  • With py:

# main branch
py install f-utils/f-{lib} --from github
# dev branch
py install f-utils/f-{lib} --from github --branch dev