
In this documentation we talk about the scope of f-utils.


f-utils is a Python library. Its objective is to create an environment that:

  1. ensures type safety, even in a dynamically typed language as Python

  2. allow universal constructions, so that one can apply the same strategy to different contexts.

It is also part of the scope of f-utils to provide context based utilities, based on the above premisses, turning the development with Python more fluid and intuitive.


The construction of f-utils is strongly endorsed by certain philosophical principles, which subsumes a systematics and are finally implemented in Python. One can say that:

f-utils is about what we call of f-systems.


The same principles could be applied to construct other flavors of f-systems, in different programming languages. In particular, the implementation provided by f-utils could be made in any programming language which is:

  1. dynamically typed, so that the types of the variables are determined at runtime

  2. functional, so that functions have a type, which allows us have functions whose arguments are (and that returns) other functions

  3. class-based object oriented, which means that one can define new types in terms of classes

  4. have class level entities, so that one can define global information inside a class, which is shared across any module that imports that class.

Examples of that languages are Javascript and Ruby.


Any kind of interaction with the project is most welcome.

  1. You are invited to join our Coolab Discord.

  2. If you want to collaborate, we recommend start by reading or CONTRIBUTING.

  3. You can also send us an email at futils@gmx.ie.